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主讲题目:How to publish your paper in SSCI journals
主讲人:邵凯祺 副教授
时 间:2021年10月19日15:20-16:20
地 点:稽G231
主讲人简介:邵凯祺,德国慕尼黑大学教育心理学博士,Frontiers in Psychology (SSCI 期刊)客座主编,杭州电子科技大学副教授,近几年发表SSCI期刊论文10余篇,其中Top SSCI 期刊3篇,担任多本SSCI期刊特约审稿人,包括SSLA、LTR、MLJ等顶级期刊,研究领域为外语学习情绪和动机。
主讲内容:I intend to share and discuss some major challenges of publishing SSCI journal articles for young Chinese university language teachers. Then I will use a step-by-step approach to introduce the process of SSCI journal publication. In the end, I will provide some general and individual advice for those teachers who are inexperienced with publishing paper in SSCI journals. It is expected that this talk will pave the way for those who are devoted to conducting scientific and rigorous research and pulishing their work in high quality international journals.